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Measuring sustainability – or what? The new EU/EuroStat SDG Indicator Set

Joachim H. Spangenberg, 2017

Sustainable development indicators are tools to reduce complexity, designed for specific purposes, to provide a reliable but easily understandable information base for public and private decision making. They consist of raw or processed data characterising the state and/or development of a system trait relevant for the reaching of Sustainable Development as defined by the Brundtland Report (WCED 1987), Agenda 21, (United Nations 1993), the Johannesburg PoI (United Nations 2002), the 2012 “Future we want” (United Nations 2012) and, most recently, Agenda 2030 incl. the SDGs and their targets (United Nations 2015). However, in any case, and for the SDGs in particular, global goals and targets are not easily broken down into indicators for monitoring as any operational definition has to take into account the specifics of local culture and values. Thus sustainability, although defined by a common set of goals may look quite different in practical terms in different parts of world, and as well in different EU member states. A suitable indicator system must take such differences into account.