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Sustainable Development and Social, Ecological, and Economic Transformation in Vietnam: Insights for Policy

Joachim H. Spangenberg, 2019

Vietnam has made remarkable progress, socially and economically, over the last decades. Those past successes are a source of confidence that it will be able to meet future challenges just alike, but in order to do so a clear recognition of what the challenges are, and where the established business as usual will help, and where it will fails solving the upcoming problems.

The UN Sustainable Development Goals, which Vietnam has adopted and supported, give a first hint of how broad the problems are. For instance, fortunately Vietnam has been enjoying an extended period of peace (SDG 16), and has been actively search for partnerships on the international stage (the recent free trade agreement with the EU being just one example – SDG 17). Industry, innovation and infrastructure have made remarkable progress (SDG 9) and economic growth has been impressive (SDG 8; although there is room for improvement regarding decent work). Zero hunger (SDG 2) is almost achieved, and the progress towards SDG 1, No Poverty, is remarkable.