The project
The Big Green is a pan-European project (2023–27) on sustainable development with the creative and cultural sector. It is funded by the European Union through the Creative Europe programme. The project consortium includes over a dozen arts, culture, and environmental organisations from across Europe. Working on the project topic and with the annual themes of Air, Soil, Water, and Ecosystem, they create art, organise residencies, workshops, and festivals, and distil their experiences into toolboxes for dissemination.
SERI’s contribution
SERI is the project’s research partner, with Philipp P. Thapa leading this work package. Note that all project partners conduct research of their own, be it academic, artistic, or otherwise, to realise their specific contributions. However, the dedicated Research stream aims to reflect and fertilise the ongoing conversation in The Big Green as a whole, including through regular reports and presentations at project meetings and festivals as well as well as essayistic writings and podcasts. This is best understood as an exercise in public philosophy.
The three main research questions are:
- How can the creative and cultural (CC) sectors be more ecologically sustainable?
- How can artists and others in the CC sectors catalyse social transformation?
- What can society learn from artistic and creative practices to achieve a transformation to sustainability?
The activities and output in the Research stream are documented continuously on a dedicated compendium website.
- The Big Green hub page at Pro Progressione, the coordinating partner
- The Big Green Research Compendium – created by SERI
- The Creative Progress – a research newsletter
- Green Academy – a seminar series co-created by SERI and Pro Progressione